Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare

Rotten Richie and the Ultimate Dare
by Patricia Polacco

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Essential Blogging

Hi all!

I would like to let my fellow FIS 1311 students know that there is a different way to access the e-book "Essential Blogging" by Cory Doctorow et al. If you go to the University of Toronto library website, click on the "All e-resources" tab and type in the title of the book, you should be able to access the e-book with no problems.

I hope that this was helpful!

1 comment:

gnickers1311 said...

You need to change your settings in the dashboard to allow anon postings

About Me

I am a voracious reader who enjoys a wide variety of books, from historical fiction, to biographies to mysteries. I am a children's librarian, and am surrounded by books all the time! I include children's literature in my book reviews since there is a wide appeal for children's literature, and because parents play a large role in their children's reading!